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Alignment Flow - Nova Yoga, Long's Hill

Alignment Flow is a 65-min class open to those wanting a slower paced vinyasa class or those who wish to reconnect with the fundamentals of alignment and flow style yoga. Learn and refine key actions for a safe and effective yoga practice while breaking down poses into their component parts. This alignment-based class will focus on what your mind, body, and heart need in order to master your strength, refine your sensitivity and increase your capacity to enjoy life.


Open to all levels...perfect for yoga newbies or advanced yogis!


Mondays 7:15pm

Click HERE to access the Nova Yoga website for pricing, location, and contact information.

Mixed Flow - Nova Yoga, Long's Hill

This 75-minute mixed level class will get your body and breath flowing. Taught in the Kula Flow style of Vinyasa (or flow) yoga, this class features an inventive and thoughtful opening sequence that builds upon itself and/or repeats through standing and seated postures, and sun salutations. Then we move to an expanding sequence that builds upon the first flow of postures. Throughout the practice, there is an intense emphasis on proper alignment. We close with backbends, twists, inversions, and a cool down, followed by a brief meditation and/or Savasana. Classes are guided by a steady breath to tone and calm the mind. Bandha work is used to open and strenthen the inner body. 


For students with a regular yoga practice (Level 2). 

Tuesdays 9am

Thursdays 9am

Click HERE to access the Nova Yoga website for pricing, location, and contact information.





Deep Chill Vinyasa - Nova Yoga, Long's Hill

The most delicious (and steathily challenging) of classes. A 45 min serving of sticky, sweaty Vinyasa Flow, lathered with 15 minutes of yin yoga (deep, intense stretching), and a 15 minute restorative asana topping. YUM.


Thursdays 7:30pm

Click HERE to access the Nova Yoga website for pricing, location, and contact information.
















Dynamic Flow - Nova Yoga, Long's Hill

Level 3!! This 90-minute advanced practice is open to dedicated practitioners and teachers who have a regular yoga practice looking to deepen their yoga by practicing a challenging sequence with like-minded people over time. The practice will resolve around a more-or-less set vinyasa or flow sequence that incorporates familiar and more challenging postures. The instructor will be practicing with the class so you can look up if you need help or reference. The practice assumes basic knowledge of pose names and general form of the postures (though help is always available!!). Itʼs a do-what-you-can kind of practice with options for the more challenging poses. Co-taught by Kelly Bursey and Robin Penney.


Sundays 7:00pm


Click HERE to join the Facebook group for Advanced Group Practice yogis.


Click HERE to access the Nova Yoga website for pricing, location, and contact information.

Private Sessions

Private yoga is a great way to get the one-on-one attention you're craving. Perhaps you have an injury and need a therapeutic yoga hand. Or you're nervous about going to a public yoga class because you're new to the practice or need to brush up. Or perhaps you already have a rockin practice, but want to work on some poses that will challenge you to expand your edge. All of these reasons and more are reasons to give private sessions a try. Sessions are offered either in my home or yours.


Pricing is as follows:

PRIVATE: $80/hour. 5 sessions: $75/hour

DUOS: $55/hour. 5 sessions: $50/hour

TRIOS: $45/hour. 5 sessions: $40/hour

Please contact me for availability.



















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