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Upcoming Workshops

Essential Oil + Yoga Workshops (Jan, Feb, Mar 2015) - Nova Yoga

Essential oils have been used for therapeutic and holistic health purposes throughout history to stimulate healing and enhance overall wellness. When incorporated into a yoga and meditation practice, essential oils can elevate awareness and provide a deeper connection through the senses. Each workshop will include an introduction to the history and use of essential oils, and an explanation of the benefits of specific oils used throughout the class. Essential oils will be used throughout the practice via diffused aroma, internally by adding to water, and through application to the body.


Session #1: Vision: Align Your Yoga Practice with Your Goals
Saturday, July 24th, 2:00-3:30pm

This workshop invites you to explore whether your practice (Sadhana) is in alignment with your vision. Through this all-levels vinyasa practice featuring twists and inversions, one must be truly present with the body and the breath. This workshop incorporates essential oils to open the airways and uplift the mood, giving you a “breather” from life’s challenges. We’ll also use an essential oil to help balance mental forces with the emotional qualities of the heart. Featured oils: juniper berry, lemon, roman chamomile, peppermint, focus blend, lavender.



Session #2: Connection: Cultivate an Open Heart
Saturday, February 21st, 2:00-3:30pm

Make a connection to the pure and simple ways of the heart in this all levels vinyasa flow. We’ll use a combination of oils that helps to foster love and trust, and we’ll cultivate an open heart and a quiet mind. A combination of chest and shoulder openers will leave you feeling energized and more spacious from the inside out. Featured oils: ylang ylang, frankincense, massage blend, geranium, grounding blend, orange.


Session #3: Alignment: Balance Body, Mind, and Spirit (Yin/Yang)
Saturday, March 21st, 2:00-3:30pm

The selection of the oils in this all-levels workshop and the order in which they are used is designed to move stagnant energy, detoxify the body, calm the mind, and restore equilibrium. An active Yang vinyasa flow will be balanced with the grounding and meditative practice of long-held Yin poses with focus on the breath, sensation, and stillness to bring balance to body, mind, and spirit. Featured oils: cypress, grapefruit, frankincense, marjoram, soothing blend, grounding blend


Space is limited. All levels of experience are welcome.
Please bring a glass, ceramic, or stainless steel water bottle to the class.
$35 +HST per session or $90 +HST to register for all 3 sessions (click HERE).
Teacher: Robin Penney (with essential oil enthusiast, Janice Skiffington)


Wanna purchase essential oils? Click here for more information!

Essential Oil + Yoga Workshops (Oct, Nov, Dec 2014) - Nova Yoga

Essential oils have been used for therapeutic and holistic health purposes throughout history to stimulate healing and enhance overall wellness. When incorporated into a yoga and meditation practice, essential oils can elevate awareness and provide a deeper connection through the senses. Each workshop will include an introduction to the history and use of essential oils, and an explanation of the benefits of specific oils used throughout the class. Essential oils will be used throughout the practice via diffused aroma, internally by adding to water, and through application to the body.


Session #1: Gratitude: See the Gift in Your Obstacles
Saturday, October 25th, 2:00-3:30pm

This workshop teaches radical gratitude as we celebrate the month of Thanksgiving. Working with various backbends and heart openers, this all-levels vinyasa practice incorporates essential oils chosen to support living in the present moment and reminders of abundance and alignment. Featured oils: rosemary, wild orange, lemon, ginger, and sandalwood.


Session #2: Release: Surrender and Receive
Saturday, November 15th, 2:00-3:30pm

This all-levels gentle vinyasa flow features heart and hip openers and deep forward folds to increase energy and calm the mind, while the oils assist in emotional healing, releasing stagnant energy, feelings or blockages. The combination of oils and yoga provide a cathartic experience to create emotional balance. Featured oils: frankincense, wild orange, and various essential oil blends.


Session #3: Compassion: Cultivate Kindness
Saturday, December 13th, 2:00-3:30pm

Holidays often are a time when our cups become so full that there is little room for anything new. Yoga and essential oils can be a powerful catalyst for emptying our cup to make room to receive. This all-levels dynamic hip-opening sequence is combined with seasonal oils to make room to receive the many gifts of the season, including self-care and compassion. Featured oils: peppermint, frankincense, white fir, thyme, and wild orange.


Space is limited. All levels of experience are welcome.
Please bring a glass, ceramic, or stainless steel water bottle to the class.
$35 +HST per session or $90 +HST to register for all 3 sessions (click HERE).
Teacher: Robin Penney


Wanna purchase essential oils? Click here for more information!














Bakasana to Tripod Headstand Mini Flow - Nova Yoga

This 90-minute workshop will explore the popular arm balance, Crow Pose (Bakasana) and the inversion Tripod Headstand (Sirsasana II), and how we might flow them together! This is challenging work, so LOTS of options will be offered, including how to breakdown and work on Bakasana and Tripod by themselves, and then how to work on flowing them together. Options will be given for working on these poses bearing weight on arms and head, or by lying down on your back to explore the actions of the poses. For more advanced practitioners, we will work on how to move from Tripod Headstand back into Bakasana, and the jump back from Bakasana to Chatturanga Dhandasana.


This flow is part of the Advanced Group Practice sequence that will be offered at Nova Yoga on Sunday nights from 7-8:15pm, starting on September 21st. So this workshop will be a great place to learn some tips and tricks, and ask your questions!! If time allows, we may also add in other parts of the Advanced Group Practice sequence, including Trikonasana, Extended Side Angle, and Frog Jumps from a Wide Legged Forward Bend.


Saturday, September 27
1:30pm (90min)
$25 (HST included)
Teacher: Robin Penney

*Space is limited*















Asana Deconstructed - Workshop Series - Spring 2014 - Nova Yoga

​Wanna learn to do an advanced pose but need the tools to get there? This all-levels series will introduce you to a

new and challenging pose every 4 weeks (see line up of poses for each month, listed below). We'll deconstruct the

pose into it's component parts, and build upon your knowledge each week. You'll learn skill builders to work on the

strength, flexibility and balance you need to perform the pose. You'll also enjoy beautiful variations of the pose to

practice while you journey toward the full expression of the asana. The story and the mythology behind the pose

will also be explored.


LEVEL: Entry points any practitioner, this series is for beginners as well as advanced yogis!!

Side Crow - Parsva Bakasana (May 6, 13, 20, 27)
Full Wheel - Urdhva Dhanurasana (June 3, 10, 17, 24) - SOLD OUT!

Sundial - Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana (July 8, 15, 22, 29)


Tuesdays @ 8:30pm (60 mins)
Teacher: Robin Penney
$60 (HST included) for each 4 week series

Register for all 3 series: $165 (save $15!)


*Space is limited to 12 people*


To register, please go to Nova Yoga's The Downward Blog site, HERE


























Mythic Flow Retreat in Brigus Junction


Go deep and explore myths, mantras, and mudras of the asana practice in this local weekend retreat! Join me from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon at a private, water’s-edge cabin in Brigus Junction, just a 50-minute drive from St. John’s. Yoga, meditation, fresh food, and the R&R of cabin life will rejuvenate you from the INSIDE out!


LEVEL: Yogis should have Full Wheel (Urdhva Dhanurasana) and Supported Headstand and Tripod Headstand

(Sirsasana 1/2) in their practice.


Date: Friday, July 25th, 5pm to Sunday, July 27th at 1pm

Location: Brigus Junction

Cost: $245 (double occupancy) or $245 (triple occupancy)


For more information and to register, please click HERE.

Past Workshops

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